
Friday, March 22, 2013

How about those apples?

Besides the well known "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away." saying, how much do you actually know about the health benefits apple consumption bring? It's rather amazing. 
Apples will help you:

Have a healthier heart
The phenolic compound found in the apple skin prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from solidifying on your artery walls. The plaque that builds inside your arteries, reduces the blood flow to your heart, and that's how you get coronary artery disease.

Reduce  cholesterol
The soluble fibre found in apples binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels.

Detoxify your liver
You're liver is "bombed" on a daily basis by those delicious choices of meals and those unhealthy drinks you savor. The liver's job is to get those toxins out of your system, which believe it or not, is not such an easy job. Apples are a great help for your liver - and for you as well. 

Boost your immune system
Quercetin is a very effective antioxidant that is proven to help you boost your immune system, especially when you're stressed out. This amazing antioxidant can be found... as you probably guessed already - in apples... red apples that is.

Get rid of diarrhea and constipation
The fibres found in apples come in great help for those of you who struggle with diarrhea or constipation.  

Control your weight
A rich fibre diet is a well known trick amongst those who struggle to lose weight and/or eat healthy. Foods rich in fibre fill you up with less calories than regular food.

About those hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are not life threatening but a huge pain in the *** - literally! Hemorroids are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas. Fibres can prevent you from straining too much when going to the bathroom and thereby help alleviate hemorrhoids.

Prevent gallstones
Trust me. Gallstones are not cool at all! Gallstones form when there's too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it solidifies. Guess what helps you control the weight and cholesterol levels? Exactly. Fibres. And fibres can be found in... you already know this don't you?

Get White, healthy teeth
When you bite and chew apples it stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth. This is very effective because it lowers the levels of bacteria in your mouth. No bacteria, no tooth decay.  

Decrease the risk of diabetes
Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don't eat apples. Apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key to blunting blood sugar swings.

Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome
To control the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome doctors recommend staying away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fibre in your diet.

Keep your brain young and avoid Alzheimer's
A study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer's away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. The mice were fed an apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet.

Protect yourself against Parkinson's
Research has shown that people who eat fruits and other high-fibre foods gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson’s.

Prevent cataracts
Long-term studies suggest that people who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidants—such as apples—are 10 - 15 per cent less likely to develop cataracts.

Curb all sorts of cancer
Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds—interpenetrates—in apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast. Their earlier research found that extracts from whole apples can reduce the number and size of mammary tumors in rats. 

Hope I convinced you to start eating at least an apple a day! Even if you don't like apples, (freak! apples are delicious) you should consider eating an apple a day. It's really such a small price to pay for so many health benefits. 

Wishing you the best,

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