Monday, November 11, 2013

Wise schedulling for less headaches

Even though we live in the hi tech era and speed limits go up every passing minute, when it comes to tasks, it seems as if there's never enough time to finish everything you have to do. Throughout the past chaotic periods of my life I've learned a couple of things about organizing your time that turned out to be helpful. Hoping my knowledge can be useful to you, I'll share my advices with you.  

1. Don't stress
No matter how overwhelmed you feel or how many things you have to do, breathe deeply in and relax. Acknowledge the fact that you won't be able to solve the problems if you stress out. In fact, it'll make it harder for you to finish your tasks, so as I said before, relax. As hard as it may seem to you.

2. Write it down 
Maybe to do lists seem like stupid ideas for most of us, but I found them to be incredibly helpful. Writing down everything that you have to do will make it impossible to leave anything out (that unless you forget to write it down in the first place of course). Aw and don't forget to clearly establish the goals ;). 

3. Prioritize
See what's important and what can be delayed. For instance, a doctor's appointment (in case you're feeling bad) cannot be delayed while a manicure or pedicure can be delayed. I know the example i gave you is extremely easy and it seems as if you wouldn't have to prioritize for this case (and i agree with you on that one) but when the tasks gather up, and they mixed up with some stress from your everyday life... it builds up and believe it or not, you won't be able to think clearly anymore. So when the tasks gather up, keep and eye out for the truly important ones and deal with the rest of them later on (even if you think they are small things you have to do and they won't take long. Just trust me on this one)

4. Break them down
I believe every big goal/task can be divided into small parts that are easier to organize, keep track of and finish. Plus, you'll feel so much better when you cross off things from your to do list. I'll be a great source of motivation to keep you going. 

5. Eye on the deadline
The earlier the deadline the earlier you have to deal with them (duh). So don't waste your time with a task that's really important but the deadline is far in the future. Deal with the minor, and major things that need to be done asap. Those small things you have to do in the future might not take as little as you think right now, so why wasting time with those when you can focus on getting rid of a more important task.

6. Take in the downsides
Just as important as taking in the good aspects of a plan, taking in the downsides of it is just as important. I'm not saying get pessimist, just consider what might go wrong so in case that happens you'll be prepared for it. It is true that many plans fail because we fail to focus on the pro's of it, but it's just as true that they sometimes go to pieces because we fail(or simply don't want to consider) the downsides of them. It is of vital importance to think about what might go wrong and how to fix it in case it happens so nothing(or very little) will take you by surprise. 

7. Talk about it
If there are other people involved in your plans as well. Talk to them and tell them your plans regarding them. Synchronize your plans regarding them. I also sometimes find it easier to "talk to myself" about what and how I'm going to do. I don't mean literally talk out loud with myself. I mean have a conversation inside my brain on how and when I should deal with things.

8. Schedule wisely
Last but not least important, organize/schedule wisely. For e.g. Let's say you have to go to a doctor, buy some groceries, get a new flat TV and go to a bank for a loan. Prioritize your tasks. You must go to a doctor and for some odd reason get the flat TV. The bank is pretty close to the doctor so you can first go see your doctor, then since you're in the neighborhood anyway, go to the bank for the loan and then get the flat TV. Lastly, on your way back home you stop to get the groceries. Wasn't that easy? Now try to think of how this would've gone if you didn't organize wisely. You could've ended up wasting time driving from one side of the town to the other because you would've failed to think clearly in the heat of the moment.

Wishing you the best,