Hello my dearest readers,
Today I'm going to show you how to keep your cleaning supplies organized in an aestethic, stylish way and how you can make the container for them on your own, in less than 15 minutes. I came across this idea after visiting a friend that kept her cleaning supplies in a transparent box. At that time, I thought it was a much better way of keeping the cleaning supplies than the way I was doing it - which was pretty much scattered all over the place xD. Still, it wasn't my style and even though I couldn't put a finger on it there was something odd about it. A couple of months after that, I was just about to throw a cartoon box away when I snapped knowing what I was going to use it for - and how. I knew exactly what kind of a box I wanted for my cleaning supplies - it had to be simple and black. And well, I can say I'm happy with the result!
Here's what you'll need:
- A cartoon box; plastic should work too though
- Vinyl roll: of whatever color or patten you want. I went for black because it matches the rug that I just bought for my bathroom, which is grey and black, but feel free to be creative and colorful.
- Scissors
- A ruler
- Patience & time :) . It won't take long I promise, but it's going to get a bit tricky at some point.
Here's how you do it:

2. Measure how much vinyl you need to cover the box and cut a little bit more than necessary. I cut just a little bit more in length but almost double in height because I also wanted to have vinyl on the inside of the box.
3. Peel off a portion of the vinyl and apply it to the box. Note that you should peel off the whole height of the portion on which you apply the vinyl, and start small - only peel off about an inch or two, at most, and make sure that you stick this part correctly since it'll make the rest of the job easier.
4. Use your right hand to pull the vinyl and peel it off (your right hand will do the job from between the box and the vinyl roll), while using the left hand to run the ruler over the vinyl and making sure that it stuck to the box (so your left hand will be directly on top of the vinyl roll) - it's not necessary that you use a ruler but it should be easier like this, and also YOU DON'T HAVE TO MOVE BOTH HANDS AT THE SAME TIME xD. Continue to do this all around the box, until you're done!
5. Now the stincky part! If you choose to have vinyl on the inside of the box, you'll notice that the vinyl which wasn't stuck to the box got sticky on its own and you'll most likely rip it if you try to bend it on the inside - or at least it's going to be hard to do so. That's why we now use the scissors to cut the edges.