Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Little things that make my day

You know how they say that happiness comes in small packages? I am a firm believer of that and that's exactly why I would like to give props to all those small things that happen in my everyday life, always at the right time, never fail to bring a smile upon my face and make me feel so damn good.

- When the light turns green just as I arrive at a crossroad. That's the time when I usually feel like the universe is on my side and making sure that everything runs smoothly for me. 

- I reach my hand into my bag and out of all the stuff that I have in there  I grab the house keys. I usually have to frantically search though my bag for a couple of minutes until I find them, and trust me, it's not easy at all. 

- When I find money in an old pair of jeans that I forgot about. It usually happens when I'm broke so that's awesome.

- When I almost drop something and then catch it in style like a pro. For some reason that always makes me think of the cool scenes with Neo !

- When I hear the crickets for the first time after a long winter. Sadly, after a long winter I forget about them so their return always takes me by surprise... and I just love the way they sound.

- Waking up on a saturday thinking  it's a workday and then the sweet realization of it being saturday. Even a minute of sleep after that feels so much better. 

- The feeling of clean fresh sheets. There is something about clean fresh sheets, some sort of magic, they just feel soooooo good. 

- When I find something that I lost a while ago and didn't think I would ever find it. It usually happens right after I give up hope and believe that it is lost forever. 

- When I discover a new favorite perfume. The fragrance follows me around the whole day and makes me feel incredibly good.

- When I finish writing a blog post. It is a truly unique feeling of accomplishment and pride. I feel good the whole day!

- When I finish a knitting project. Even if it's a small thing, it gets me so excited. 

- Whenever I gain interest in something new. I just love that feeling of hope and enthusiasm whenever I decide I'm interested and I want to know more about a particular thing. 

- Jogging. That's one of the few times when my mind, body and soul are in sync and focus on just one thing. I also love the feeling I get after jogging.  

I'm convinced this list lacks some more small, but not insignifiant things that make my day but sadly, that's all I can think about now. Who knows, maybe there'll be an update to the list. In the meantime... I'm curious to know what are the small things that make your day? (you can either leave them as a comment below or send me an email at wandering.rachel@yahoo.com)

Wishing you the best,