A reader of my blog suggested I do a poem on pollution. It's not my best but I'll work on it, maybe revise it at some point. Anyway this is the raw deal xD. Also, it is an open theme so feel free to comment your poem in the post or send it over to me via email so I can post it next to my poem :). So, here it goes (I hope you enjoy it)
The rocks are twisting in agony tonight,
The water is long dead,
The trees and flowers refuse to grow again
Where they have been banished from.
The birds and crickets remember the awful sounds of the chain saws and cars
That tore apart nature to build a chemical plant.
Within the shores of a river,
A fish sighs while laying its last eggs,
Corrupted with cancer and diseaseas
We haven't even heard of yet.
It long forgotten how fresh, clean water feels like
And grew accustomed to the dark oily water that became its home.
It barely swims closer to the shore to gaze at the human creation that cursed its existance.
"Forgive me mother nature" it utters through its lips into a bubble that reaches for the shore,
"Forgive me for I have failed to adapt as fast as they developed"
"Forgive me, for blaming my hurt and misery on their recklessness"
"For despising their creation and celebrating your destruction"
"Forgive me... for I am not as wise as you are, and not as forgiving.
"Forgive me ... and save the hope in the souls of the world"
A good friend of mine got also inspired by the theme and sent me his poem via email so I'll also post his ... I wish I could post it right next to mine but... I can't find a way to do that so... here it goes:
"A warm draft of dusty air slammed the gates open,
My rusty eardrums hum the song of their old hinges,
Familiar scent of mechanical oil my glove's soaked in
Flooded the chamber with echoes of pain in all stages.
Tearing a blind hole in the soul of the cyclops,
All kingdoms rise and fall but fight for a cause,
Light turns brighter watching life in a time-lapse,
The Geiger stopped counting like nothing else does.
One moment that's frozen in nuclear winter
Shows skies that were clear and trees that had leaves,
Golden age really rised and put man in the center
To industrially revolutionize how we breathe..."
Given the opportunity, I would also like to raise awareness regarding the ways that each of us treats Mother Nature, I hope you all understand that without it we would literally be s***. So please, try to care for the environment that nourishes your existance.
Wishing you the best,