Wednesday, October 24, 2012

21 things I've learned by the age 21

1. Things always seem easy in the beginning

Whether we are talking about cooking, writing a book, getting a job or learning how to play piano (or any other instrument for that matter), things sure look easier at first or when you see other's do it. But I also know that with determination and ambition you can make things easier. 

2. You cannot read more books at the same time

It took me a while to learn this one. As a stubborn person that I am, I thought I could read three books at the same time. The thing worked for a while but eventually I lost track and neither of the three books made sense anymore so I had to start reading each one of them again. Ever since, I take one book at the time.

3. Great memories can easily fade but awkward incidents remain 

It takes a lot of time to remind people of great things we did together, or nice things I did for them, but it takes less than 5 seconds for them to remember all the times I made a complete foul of myself. So yeah, every great thing you'll do will be forgotten but all of your incidents will be remember with the most details. 

4. People like it when you are stupid

Because stupid people can be easily manipulated and toyed around with. Miracle diets,  all sort of products we don't really need but ads make us want and so on, are easier to sell to people who do not have a mind of their own. 

5. Old people and kids have wisdom to share

You should really listen to old people from time to time, they really do have some wisdom to share. Yes! there are some old people that just talk bullshit but most of them have some wisdom to impart, and you should listen before Alzheimer takes their memory away. 
Also...never underestimate the kids! I mean it. Don't do it! Because I used to do so and I've missed some great lessons. They have a fresh mind and perspective of the world that allows them to see things differently. 

6. Coding is sexy 

It creates a special connection between the you and the computer, it makes you a team that create new, amazing things. It's love taken to another level, you speak the same language, understand each other. And yes, I always wish I could do that (and even believe I can most of the times) but whenever I try learning just goes to pieces. There's no connection...just... well, errors! But that never stops me from fantasizing about it. Maybe it's just the mystery behind it that keeps me hooked after all...

7. Holidays are not for relaxation

All those things you imagine you'll do when the holidays come. Sip some hot cocoa in front of the chimney, open presents and watch movies... That only happens in movies! In real life, you have to buy the gifts, get your home clean and decorated for the holidays, expect the family and friends to come around and make sure they have a good time, visit some relatives and so on. 

8. Best things in life cannot be bought

Money can buy most of the things these days but there are some things you really cannot buy with money. Money can buy you a car but not a destination, they can buy you people but not love. Money can buy you medicine but not health, a house but not a home. Money can buy you shiny things and expensive clothes but not happiness. At the end of the day, you cannot cuddle with your money (unless you're a freak), you cannot talk to your money (seriously, if you do this consider visiting a shrink), you cannot kiss your money, read them to sleep, count on their shoulder to cry on or be there for you when things fall apart (when that happens, they usually get out of sight as well).

9. Life is to be savored

Life is wonderful, living makes us miserable. And sadly, we complicate this living so much until it's all about having the things ads make you want and compromising for them. Life is simple, like inhaling and exhaling, like sunrises and sunsets. They do not struggle to look like something they are not or be surrounded by material possessions. Hell, you don't see the flowers using make up nor the butterflies wearing expensive jewelry and yet they are beyond beautiful and unique. You should seriously consider if that make up and expensive cloths/cars/houses/jewelry make you unique or just like everyone else. I say it's what come from the inside and what you have to offer that make you unique.

10. Everything has a place in this world 

Whether it's the roof on the house, the dust on the furniture or you in this experience you call your life, everything has a place. Whomever said "A place for everything and everything in its place" (because there is a long debate on this one) was half right. There is indeed a place for everything but not everything is in its place lately. Make sure you find yours.    

11.  Practice makes permanent

Funny story: I had an extremely long math homework - it was basically the same type of exercises over and over again for 30 times or so, and since I've never been good at math and that homework was due next day, I looked over the exercises we did in class and started the first one. For the rest of the exercises I guided myself after that first one without checking out to see if it was correct. Unfortunately it wasn't, and after 2 hours of doing the same type of exercises I ended up knowing the steps to take by heart... only that they were wrong. It took me a while to get it out of my head, thou even today if I see those type of exercises I'll most likely think of the wrong solution first.
That was a funny event I got over, but in life... if practice makes permanent it's not always a good thing. So do not practice with broken relationships, jobs that make you miserable, or anything else for that'll only make it worse in time. Now I'm not saying give up easily, just consider what you're practicing on for a minute.

12. Comfort keeps you "asleep"

Most of the things that make your life easier don't necessary make it better. Comfort makes it cozy for you to sleep, and unfortunately that is not always a good thing. Many people want you "asleep". 

13. Chase your dreams!

Really go for it, and make it when the opportunity arrives. Do not waste any time, do not delay. If you see a glimpse of what you really want, no matter how far in distance it is or how crazy it may seem to go for it right away... Go for it! 

14. Tears are priceless 

I know tears can get you out of trouble easier (in case you are a girl) but they also make you easier. 

15. Karma is not a "female dog" unless you make it 

Yeap, everything I do always come back like a boomerang when I least expect it. Lately, whenever it hits me, after the first seconds of being angry I smile knowing that something I did comes back around. It's ironic and annoying most of the times, but good things you did come back around as well so that lead me to this conclusion: Karma is not a *female dog* unless you make it! 

16. Everything leaves a trace

Nothing fades without being acknowledged of, and everything leaves a trace. Even if it's just the memories or a hint of perfume. Remember, you leave fingerprints as well in all the lives that you touch... so pay attention to what you leave behind.

17. Love is not a cliché 

Love is ... everything. 

18. Nothing comes easy

Well some things do... but those usually vanish just as easily.

19. Youtube short 5 minutes videos take most of your time 

Because it's just 5 minutes and then, that seems nice and it's only 3 minutes... and so on until you waste hours checking all sorts of videos. 

20. Fail to plan is plan to fail

This took me a while to learn, and I found it harder to plan but once I got a grip of it, it became a great helper. Alan Lakein was so right when he said it.

21. Laughing is you're body's way of taking a break

All the troubles melt or vanish after only five minutes of laughing. A good laugh can light up your day in a matter of seconds.

1 comment:

  1. a lot of LOL moments here! way to go Rachel.
