Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ten little steps to happiness

Happiness, the one word that always sounds so good and seems so hard to achieve at times. It makes you smile but might also bring out the inner demons you struggle with. Webster's dictionary defines happiness as: a pleasurable or satisfying experience. Now from what I've learned from lifetime experience and then latter on read in books, there are two types of feelings that feel the same but are somehow different: happiness and joy (I like to call them pleasure and happiness) 

They do feel quite the same but one of them lasts while the other one is in the constant need for fuel to work on. The first one, pleasure, depends on the circumstances. As in, you can feel good only if all that you demand is happening. It depends on your expectations turning as you wish them to, while the second one... the true state of happiness is always there. It doesn't have a beginning nor an end, it's always the same and it doesn't need any type of fuel other than life itself to work.

So they can both be satisfying but I wouldn't like to count on pleasure. Sometimes even pleasure fails: I don't know about you but it happened to me. I had what I wanted and felt miserable and worse than before getting what I so desired. 

I figured some steps that'll help you achieve that state of really feeling happy.

1. What do you really want?
Seriously, take a piece of paper and a pen, lock yourself in a quiet room and write down everything you want. From material possessions to spiritual and/or intellectual achievements. But, be honest with yourself, don't hold back just because it doesn't sound right to want that or because it's not realistic. Just write it all down, we'll deal with it later.

2. Solve your issues
And I'm not taking about doing the dishes or argue with someone that is stepping on your nerves. I'm taking about something much deeper than that. Figure out what bothers you and why. Work with yourself. I know there are some memories you just want to bury beneath the sea but make sure you deal with the situation before you try to bury something. It may come back as a zombie if you don't kill it properly. Eg. Don't forget that someone hurt you ever, before forgiving them. I know the first thing you'll want to do is just forget all about it, but chances are you'll experience something similar in life, or someone will somehow remember you of that pain... which will bring the old pain to surface again. So before you bury the bag (which is definitely a must - do not keep grudges or torture yourself with playing the victim constantly) make sure you forgive it. I know I had a hard time forgiving and I wouldn't even recognize it, I wasn't even aware of it until I read a quick quiz in a book I was reading at the time to see if you forgave the people that hurt you. The moment I started working with myself I realized there was a huge blacklist of people I failed to forgive but pretended I did. 

3. Look at things through a different perspective
I know it's hard since our brain was trained to think somehow ever since we enrolled in school, but that's a big secret to happiness. Learn to see things more than one way, don't just say... oh but it's just a rope/candy/book/tree, remember that enthusiasm you had when you were little and everything around you was fascinating? Learn to see just as colorful as you did when you were little.

4. Make some time for yourself
And I'm not referring to make some time to master your couch potato skills, I'm talking about taking care of you. Make sure you exercise physically, mentally and spiritually. Truly respect yourself and start by being honest with yourself and  taking care of your body, mind and spirit. 

5. Play 
Not just MMORPG or other computer games. Playing is beneficial to you on so many levels. It helps you relax and feel good, it can help develop relationships with other players and it can help you see things though a different perspective. And you can also burn calories if you're playing twister or you're engaging in a limbo dance competition.  Get your board games out next time you're friends swing by. As Mary Poppins would say: "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! the job's a game" 

6. Relationships
Are important to our well being. You don't have to be a social butterfly but make sure you have at least one relationship in need of strengthening. Invest time and energy in it, learn how to cultivate and heal it to be able to harvest joy out of it.

7. Gestures of kindness
They really make the difference. I know it may sound stupid but don't think too much about it and just try it. Try to be kind to someone today, see how that makes you feel. Aw, and it has to be spontaneous - at least the first time you act upon it. Just keep your eyes open for an opportunity and do something nice for someone. I bet you didn't know that altruistic acts light up the same pleasure centers in the brain as food and sex.

8. Gratitude 
I know you might not have everything you wanted, hell, who does? I think no one ever had everything they wanted but that never stopped them from being grateful for what they already had. And after all, why not? Others might not have half as much as you do. Remember to count your blessings. Researches show that regular expressions of gratitude promote optimism, better health and greater satisfaction with life.

9. Enjoy each moment
When was the last time you stopped walking just to look at the sky? Or you enjoyed a bird's chirp. When was the last time you admired a rainbow, or the smell of fresh cut grass in the morning. Take a deep breath, open your eyes and see the beauty all around you. Enjoy each moment as if it is your last one on this earth (I know it is harder than it sounds but learn to make this a habit). 

10. Nurture an optimistic way of thinking 
It is scientifically proven that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative one. Having an optimistic way of thinking will help you feel more relaxed, think more clearly and feel better about yourself and life generally. 

Was this helpful? 

Friday, December 14, 2012

8 tips to help you get the perfect gifts

Are you one amongst those that struggle to find the perfect gift for those you love? You try and try but in the end you are poorly satisfied with what you got them? Here are my advices on how to get the perfect gift for the ones you care about. I've learned from experience and they really helped me, so I hope they'll help you as well.

1. Spend some time before spending money
Spend time listening to the people you want to get gifts for. And I mean listening, not pretending to listen while dealing with your own thoughts. Ask tricky sublime questions. It's most likely at one point those persons will start talking about something they are interested in or something they like. It could be something they saw in a movie or read about in a book, or even saw on the street. Just pay attention to what they say when their face lights up and they start talking passionately about something. That right there is your answer. 

2. Keep an eye out before the event 
That's my favorite trick. Whenever I meet those people I spend time listening to what they talk about most or paying attention to what stirs their attention. And nine out of ten times I know what to get them before the event which is a huge headache savior. 

3. Use your imagination
I don't think the quality of a gift stands in the price of in the size (well unless we talk about materialists) but rather in the details and what you add to it. For eg. you could very well pick up a simple photo frame and decorate it by gluing stickers or buttons (sewing buttons that is) to it, maybe cut a heart out of colored paper and stick it as well. Whatever you think goes best. Just use that well of imagination inside your mind.

4. Pick it from the heart
Stop thinking about what they would need or how to get the best gift. Just look around and try to imagine what they would enjoy the most. It doesn't have to be something practical like a food processor or a vacuum cleaner or anything like that. Just try to imagine the person's reacting to receiving what you try to get them. And after you chose something you think they would enjoy, don't just give them and expect them to be extremely happy and satisfied with the gift. Tell them why you chose it, if it was a funny moment you've experienced together that the gifts reminds you off, tell them. Remind them of the good moments you shared and explained that the gift reminded you of them and you hope it'll do the same for them as well. Chances are, they'll really make a connection between your gift and the memory.

5. Make it personal 
I think it's so sad how the habit of gift giving evolved lately. I've seen people that pick up gifts by going into a store and letting the salesperson "suggest" what they should get for their loved ones...and without further thinking they get something and hurry to give it to that person. Where is the involvement? where is the connection? Gift giving is supposed to make a connection between you and the one person you give it to, but since you are not waisting too much time thinking about them and making the effort of really choosing a gift to fit them and you let the salesperson choose it for you, your gift is actually making a connection between the salesperson and the person you are about to give it to. I personally, love the intention of those that give me gifts but hate the lack of involvement when they just get me something with no meaning attached to it. Make it personal! Show me you know me, even the candy box can be made personal. Let me give you an example: You can write a poem for me on the box or make a sweet comment on why you got me that box of chocolate, that particular one... and it must be something else than... everybody says it's good, or... they recommended me. Or even better, get me a box of chocolate I've never dared to try before. It can be any kind of strange flavor, I'll most certainly remember who dared me to eat something like that, and maybe I'll even discover I like the flavor. And to make it even better you can print a diploma and write "Brave heart award" on it for eating that chocolate. Or you can just as well write a special dedication on the box, tell me something you like about me. The list could go on. Just use your memories to capture the essence of the person that's going to receive the gift. Make sure they know this gift was meant for them and only them.  

6. Go for the classics 
If you're really in a rush of time, or the person you want to get a gift for is barely an acquaintance just pick something classic like chocolate boxes, flowers, wine, watches, bags, perfumes and so on.

7. Ask around 
You can ask their friends or family for an advice on what they would like. There are some chances they'll get it right and you'll buy exactly what they want. 

8. Ask them directly 
If you tried all of the above and still didn't find something you think they would really enjoy, and you don't want to get them something they wouldn't enjoy just go ahead and ask them straight for what they want. Of course it'll depend on the way they see the whole gift giving thing, 'cause some might actually enjoy giving suggestions and getting what they want while others will get frustrated thinking you really don't care about them.

And because I love giving gifts, here's my little gift for you : If you need help picking up a gift for someone and you think I could help you,   just send me an email at
Promise I'll get back at you asap! 


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

To all coffee lovers

How would you feel if I'd tell you your daily morning delight, that sweet creamy coffee that awakens your senses and unfreezes your brain is healthy for you? 

You may feel tempted to blame it all on my imagination and desires but I'm here with proof to convince you a cup of coffee per day is actually good for your health.

The main reason why coffee is healthy is because of the antioxidants it contains. Our bodies produce oxygen radicals, which are damaging to DNA but antioxidants prevent them from doing damage. Antioxidants can be found in fruits and vegetables, but research has shown that coffee is the top source of antioxidants for Americans.

Caffeine is another reason why coffee is good because it has a positive impact on your brain health. Caffeine is an antagonist to adenosine receptors. These receptors slow down neural activity when the chemical adenosine binds to them, producing a sleepy feeling. But if caffeine binds to the receptors, the activity of neurons speeds up.

There is a lower risk in coffee-drinking women to develop endometrial cancer because coffee also lowers the levels of insulin and estrogen. Insulin is well known for its role in prostate cancer, another disease coffee may help stave off.

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that regular coffee-drinkers have a less chance of suffering from diseases like: heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes compared to sporadic drinkers or non-drinkers, Reuters reported.

"Our results suggest that coffee consumption is not harmful for healthy adults in respect of risk of major chronic disease," study researcher Anna Floegel, an epidemiologist at the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke, told Reuters.

The study included 42,659 people who participated in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)–Germany study. After almost nine years, the researchers found that the people who drank four or more cups of coffee a day were at no higher risk for chronic disease, compared with those who drank less than a cup of coffee a day, according to the study.

Daily Glow pointed out that the coffee-drinkers actually had a 23 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than the non-coffee drinkers. 

Pros of drinking coffee

There are strong evidences on how coffee helps preventing type II diabetes, Parkinson's, dementia, hearth rhythm problems, strokes and that's not where the list stops. 

In a 2007 study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, researchers pooled and analyzed the results of a half dozen clinical trials looking at the effects of caffeine on asthmatics. They found that caffeine produced small improvements in airway function for up to four hours, compared with a placebo, and that even a small dose — less than the amount in a cup of Starbucks coffee — could improve lung function for up to two hours.

The suspicion stems in part from its chemical structure, which resembles that of theophylline, a common asthma medication that relaxes the airway muscles and relieves wheezing, shortness of breath and other respiratory problems. Indeed, when caffeine is ingested and broken down by the liver, one byproduct is small amounts of theophylline.

According to a meta-analysis published in the American Heart Association's journal Circulation: Heart Failure, people who drink two cups of coffee daily have an 11% lower risk of developing heart failure, compared to non-coffee drinkers. The researchers did not take into account the strength of coffee, what time of day it was drunk, or whether it was caffeinated -- factors that could influence the results of the analysis.

Coffee drinkers may also be protecting themselves against basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer. Other caffeinated beverages also seemed to reduce the risk of this slow-growing cancer.

Increased coffee consumption also is associated with longer life, according to Research in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Some of the strongest evidence comes from studies on type II diabetes. According to a 2009 meta-analysis, the risk of type II diabetes goes down with each cup of coffee consumed daily. Additionally, a 2007 meta-analysis found a correlation between increased coffee consumption and lower risk of liver cancer. But it's not enough to tell anyone who doesn't already drink coffee to start.

Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant. It can enable people to feel more alert and help them to be more active, leading to weight loss. It may also act as a mild appetite suppressant.

And there's evidence that coffee has mental health benefits as well. The results of one study suggested, "Women who consume two to three cups of caffeinated beverages per day had a 15 percent lower risk of depression than non-coffee drinkers."


And don't give me that face. There's always a but ( should've  known that by now) 

Coffee can also damage your health if you drink too much. The optimal daily dose of coffee varies widely, depending on the person. Some can't drink it at all. Others tolerate six to eight cups a day (I don't recommended that unless you train to get in the Guinness World Record for drinking the most coffee). Overall the coffee intake depends on each individual's body, so drink how much feels right for you. A warm cup of coffee per day is enough for me.

As common sense might suggest, the greatest overall benefits appear to be in people who drink coffee at moderate levels: two to three cups a day. But there are exceptions: A May 2011 study found that men who drink six or more cups a day had a decreased risk of fatal prostate cancer.

Cons of drinking coffee

Doctors may never consider coffee a standard recommendation because of individuals' varying susceptibility to side effects, said Hensrud.

The side effects can include: headaches, insomnia, heartburn, palpitations, and urinary urgency. Some people avoid drinking coffee or switch to decaffeinated coffee because regular coffee gives them faster heartbeats or irritates their stomach. You know better what's good and bad for you so act accordingly to that. If your stomach is upset or hurting or you get faster heartbeats after drinking coffee don't just drink it because you read on the Internet is healthy. Try switching to decaffeinated coffee or black tea instead. 

Another down side to coffee is that is a drug therefor it is addictive. At least that's what they say. I don't agree with that thou, I can go on days without drinking coffee with no drawbacks... but maybe that's just me.

Famously, coffee got a bad reputation from research in the early 1980s connecting it to pancreatic cancer. But more recent studies have not found the same link, according to the American Cancer Society. Some studies in the past did not take into account the connection between drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, which do contain carcinogens, Hensrud said.

Coffee that's boiled -- popular in Scandinavia, for instance -- will increase bad cholesterol; espresso has the same effect, Hensrud said. But filtering regular coffee reduces those cholesterol-raising substances.

Some milky, sugary coffees may contain upwards of 500 calories -- particularly if they begin with the sound "frap." So, if you think you're doing your body a favor with these treats, health detriments of the added calories and fat may cancel out coffee's magic.

Facts about coffee*

1. Legend has it a 9th-century Ethiopian goat herder discovered coffee by accident when he noticed how crazy the beans were making his goats.

2. Coffee is a psychoactive. And at high doses it can make you see things. It can also kill you

3. Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a woman who was addicted to coffee.

4. The first webcam was invented at The University of Cambridge to let people know if the coffee pot was full or not.

5. There is a spa in Japan that lets you bathe in coffee, tea, or wine. 

6. New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than other cities in the US.

7. The U.S Imports more thank 4 billion $ in coffee each year

8. Originally coffee was eaten.
African tribes mixed coffee berries with fat which formed edible

9. All coffee in the world grows in the Bean Belt (is the area between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn)

10. 70% of the world consumes Arabica coffee, which is mild and aromatic. The remaining 30% drinks Robusta, which is more butter-tasting but has 50% more caffeine than Arabica.

11. In the 1675, the King of England banned coffee houses, claiming they were places where people met to conspire against him

12. A belgian man living in Guatemala by the name of George Washington invented instant coffee in 1906. 


What's your opinion? 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Meditation tips

Meditation is a practice that's been used for years now. Besides its obvious effects such as quieting your mind and relaxing your body, there are some other side effects to it which come with more good news. Meditation helps you relieve stress and thus it increases the blood flow and slows the heart rate,  it increases the serotonin level - which influences mood and behaviour, it helps you decalcify your pineal gland and fight off allergies and arthritis, it helps you get control of your own thoughts and so on. 

I've learned my lessons so when I first read about meditation instead of raising an eyebrow at the concept I just gave it a shot. I became addicted to it immediately, so ever since I'm trying to learn more and more about it. I find a 10 min session of meditating more effective than a hour of sleep. I don't know how meditation works for you but for me works miracles. 

Here are my tips on meditating:

  • A place to meditate
Find a quite place in your house where you can meditate. It can be any room in your house or outside your home ( garden or somewhere outside) just make sure it's a quiet spot (birds chirping and the wind blowing through the leaves don't count as noise ). Close your TV, phone, stereo... anything that can make noise to make sure you won't get disturb. I would also suggest you decorate that spot if it's possible. Bring a plant over there or a painting you like, maybe a fluffy carpet... anything you want to make you grow more attached to it.

  • Burn some incense
Incense and aromatherapy are well known for their properties to induce a particular feeling in your body. I love to burn some lavender essential oil in my ceramic burner while meditating.  Lavender is believed to possess a sedative that calms the psyche. Studies show lavender helps reduce stress, anxiety and insomnia. 

  • Get in the zone
Get ready to meditate, leave your worries behind and have a positive attitude towards it. Don't try to meditate with an attitude of 'ah, let's get this over with!'. Get excited, get ready...know that this will help you physically and mentally. You can also put on some really slow music with no lyrics to it to help you relax.

  • A comfortable position
Don't try poses you can't hold or poses that make you uncomfortable just because they look so good on TV or in magazines. If others can do it, it doesn't necessary mean that you can also do it right away. Maybe they are more flexible or maybe they exercised in order to be able to hold a pose like that. If you want to you can try to exercise as well, I would recommend Yoga. But when you meditate it's really important to be comfortable, so make sure you get as comfortable as you can.  

  • Posture 
The golden rule is to keep your back straight, everything else can be adapted. You might find it easier to meditate if you hold your chin slightly downwards and your eyes half opened (that will help you relax and not fall asleep). You can also rest your right hand on the left, with the thumb-tips lightly touching. 

  • Start with your breathing
Breath as natural as you can, taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly. You can look up some breathing yoga exercises on the Internet to help you figure out how to breath correctly. In order to quiet my mind I often count my breaths - I read this tip in a book and found it effective. With focusing on your breath and counting it, it's harder for your thoughts to bug in. 

  • Let your emotions overflow you, don't fight back
Fighting back is a huge mistake. The whole point of meditation is to help you clear you mind, thus when you fight back thoughts or emotions you do exactly the opposite, you could just as well let all those sporadic thoughts be comfortable in your mind. Whatever emotion or thought comes in mind, let it be...observe it, feel it... and let them go when they are ready.

  • Don't try too hard
Meditation should equal relaxation and peace of mind... if you don't feel that when meditating, there's something definitely wrong. So, don't get ideas of what you have to feel or experience, just let yourself be. If you get thoughts, don't start to blame yourself for not being able to keep your mind clear. Keep your calm and keep on trying, eventually you'll get a hang of it. I know it took me some time to meditate. 

  • Try to focus on a burning candle
That also helps. Burn a scented candle (or a regular one) and watch it burn, I don't know why but that usually helps me. 

  • Read some books/blogs on meditation
I would definitely recommend Osho's Meditation The Art of Ecstasy. The book is serious and funny and practical all at the same time. There are multiple meditation techniques he talks about so you can try them all or find one that fits you. The book really helped me so maybe it 'll help you as well. If not, I'm pretty sure there are many other books on meditation.

Now it's your turn...What helps you meditate ?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ten things I've learned from being a girl

I think that even if I had a chance to choose my genre before being born I would've picked being a girl all the time. There is something special about being a girl, it is truly an unique experience. 

1. There's nothing that can boost your morale like high heels and red lipstick
Nothing can pick you up better  after you had a bad day as fast as red lipstick, high heels and your favorite perfume. I don't know about you but that trick always works for me.

2. You can multitask
Because I can talk over the phone while doing my toenails and still have one free hand. 

3. Bags are more useful than they look
When I wasn't using them, I used to think they are impractical but since I got my first bag and saw that I could fit my phone, pack of napkins, pack of gum, lipstick, wallet, umbrella, notebook and the list could go on, I became addicted to bags.

4. Independence has a sweet taste
A lot of people will expect of you to ask for help like all of the time because you are a cute, little, well mannered, fragile girl...but the days when girls used to carry a lipstick and smile politely are long least that's how I see it. There's nothing better than depending on yourself.  

5. PMS is real
See, you might think movies are over doing it when you see girls losing their minds when PMS'ing, but it's not a fake. I get mood swings like a bipolar person when I PMS. Not to mention the pain and the craving for sweets, the tiredness...urgh!

6. Seduction is an art
And just like every other art you have to have an eye for it... and you have to nurture your taste for it, that's why make sure you only take lessons from ladies and your natural beauty, not from... well, what you see lately on TV. 

7. Sometimes a girlfriend is a girl you don't even know
Remember that nice girl that lend you a tampon when you needed one and she didn't even know you? or that cute girl in the clothes store that told you a particular dress fits you better? You weren't even acquaintances and still they offered their support. 

8. Listen to your instincts
Instincts are a girl's best friend sometimes. I don't know how come but most of the times I can just tell when something fishy is going on (those are the days when people look at me like I'm crazy or something 'cause I walk with an arched eyebrow - just kidding). Anyway, learn to listen to your instincts... they might really come in hand. 

9. Make up is a powerful weapon
It can emphasize your eyes to make them look bigger, it can definitely hide away those pimples and make you look refreshed and energized after a restless night. There's nothing that make up can't cover up...uhm... expect for the truth! 

10. Don't ask a question unless you are ready to hear the answer to it
I know it may sound like a joke but it actually isn't. Lord knows I've learned the hard way not to ask questions when I wasn't really ready for an answer.

So what did you learn from girls/ being a girl?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life leftovers

I know, it does sound like a strange post... just wait till you read it! This post was inspired by a visit to some of my relatives that are close to my heart - my cousins and their kids. I was blessed to be born in a big family...well, not that big. I am a single child at home but my mom has two more sisters and a brother. My cousins are all married and two of them even have kids. I love those kids (one of my cousins has a daughter and the other one has a boy and a daughter), completely adore them...I was amongst the happiest person to hear the big news... felt a connection forming with the kids ever since they were embryos. After they were born I spend like lots of time with them even though they lived pretty far from me... about 30 mins of walking ('cause yeah, I am addicted to walking). I watched them grow, I was there with them at their first day of kindergarten and I didn't miss one recital... I watched them go to school and I was the crazy one cheering when they took their first prize. 

But, as it always happens, the past two years we grew apart...we didn't really grew apart... I just filled my time with other things and stop visiting as often. From the "at least once per week" my visits turned into a ...twice per year. And I thought it was cool like that, until today. I took the time to go visit them with my mom... and it gave my heart fuzzy feelings. I felt so like a stranger at first... I couldn't really fit in anymore (guess that was all in my head after all) but then I relaxed when I saw that my bound with them was just as strong like there wasn't a day when we were apart, they started sharing stories with me like there was a conversation going on all this time. I was surprised to see how much they grew and changed...

They are wiser and taller and ... growing up too quickly. They offered to walk me home (well not really home but a little bit closer to home) and of course being a child deep down inside of me I played with them on the way. We had a running contest, then we played I spy... and I was over flooded with info about their classmates, friends, tv shows and all that, but it also got me thinking...

Memories will be all that's left at the end. That's my concept of life leftover...what's left after you feast from the platter you call life. 

The college degree? You can get that anytime. The money? same with them. The clothes? all these material possessions can be acquired at any given time...but you can't go back in time. You can't go back and live the moments you had once again. Which led me to this conclusion... all I'll still have in this life, close to the ending of it... will be my memories. All those well lived moments and happy ones and the disappointments. I won't be left with anything else to make me feel better... therefore I found another good reason to live the moment...seriously. Forget all about worries and troubles, I wanna have in mind the good memories... of bonding and sharing and loving and becoming wiser. I want every moment of my life to be filled with happiness and bliss. Make the most of each moment and make memories out of them. 

And yeah, even thou I have bits of regrets for not being there for everyone when I could've... or acting like an idiot when I shouldn't have, I do regret the times I hurt those I loved... but I also learned not to over regret things but to learn something from them... after all they made me wiser... what I am today... and today, I can truly say I wish all of you the best. I am happy. I hope all of you are as well ... and if you are on your journey of finding it, I hope I can help you if you need anything.

Live your life, get to know the people around you... make happiness a habit and do not forget to make the most of everything 'cause memories will be all you'll be left with. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

My review of Pretty Little Liars book series

Pretty Little Liars is a series of eight books: Pretty Little Liars, Flawless, Perfect, Unbelievable, Wicked, Killer, Heartless, Wanted...or at least it was when I finished reading all of them. The ending did leave an open door for future Pretty Little Liars events but I didn't think of checking it out. There were four more Pretty Little Liars books published in 2011 and 2012, I'm going to get them as soon as I finish reading what I'm currently reading (which is Anna Karenina btw) and I'll do another review for the last four books. 

Meanwhile, let me tell you about these eight books. 

The whole concept of the book is twirling around the disappearance of Alison Dilaurentis, Rosewood's it girl. Not too soon before her disappearance she becomes best friends forever with Hanna Martin - the chubby girl in the newly formed gang, her parents get a divorce and her father remarries a "perfect" housewife that has a daughter which Hanna thinks it's just more beautiful than her , Emily Fields - raised in a strict family she discovers she likes girls when she is crushing on Ali(son), Spencer Hasting  - competition is everything to the Hastings so Spencer struggles to live up to their expectations and last but not least Aria Montgomery (which is my favorite character) - raised in a strange family that seems to have it all until her dad has an affair with a student of his.

Alison switched her 2 best friends Naomi and Riley to hang out with Hanna, Emily, Spencer and Aria all of a sudden which shocked the girls and everyone at school a bit but no one really mind since Ali had strange ways. The girls adore Alison and become her worshipers doing everything Ali tells them to. But their happiness just couldn't last for too long so one night Alison disappears and  never returns...months after her disappearance her body is found and just when everyone thought they could move on with their life, that's when things get crazy. 

The girls start to receive strange threatening messages from A, messages that demand the girls do specific things or keep quiet about what they know and so on. The whole A character makes it clear that he/she is not joking and proves it when it runs over Hanna with a car. The girls become even more close than before and decide to start searching for the truth, who killed Alison and why. The books have so many twists and turns, it's really captivating, the whole idea of Alison being their friend turns 180 degrees when the girl share their stories of how Alison got them to do what she wanted or what she thought was right threatening to reveal their secrets to everybody if not. This A was definitely crazy after knowing all of their secrets, one of the things she kept telling the girls was how "the secrets keep us together". While searching for the truth the girls realize it was only Ali that knew their secrets and they had not idea of Ali's secrets. The whole Ali character goes to pieces when they start doubting Ali's every action, and it gets even crazier when A knows everything about the girls which makes them believe A is Alison. 

The thing I adored about the book series was that it had action and even a grim sense of humor, I felt pity for the girls every time they been through some rough stuff but at the same time, that's what made the A character so important. The girls are on the edge of losing everything they ever had, they get arrested, Aria's mom kicks her out of the house and A leaks some private info about her to her current boyfriend so he kicks her out as well, Spencer get nervous breakthroughs and at one point believes she was the one that killed Alison. Emily's parents send her away to some really strict relatives when they discover she is gay but she manages to runaway. And when Hanna's mom is going away to work in another country her dad with his new wife and daughter move in Hanna's home to live with her. With a little help from A, they manage to drive Hanna insane (well, she really wasn't but from the outside that's what you would say) and she is sent to a mental hospital. 

The book is really captivating, the characters have very well shaped personalities, friends turn into enemies when you least expect it and the girls bound becomes stronger than ever. The ending of the eight book was...woow... amazing, it was such a big twist I reread the last 4 pages at least three times to make sure I understood what it was written, it was really well thought and it was more than I expected. One things that bothered me at the books was how the chapters flipped from one character to the other. I found it hard to remember everything that Aria went through before I read about Hanna, Spencer and Emily so I had to put an extra effort and I have to admit that's why sometimes I let the book down. I would just try to remember everything that happened in each girl's separate life. And another thing - the last one, would be that the third, fourth and fifth book weren't really that intriguing, but I don't know if I can really blame it on the books or on my desperate need to also check the TV maybe it was me who knew things before they happened and that's why I didn't find them so intriguing, who knows... 

But, to end this review, I would really recommend the book if you like twisted, complicated stories. I like to give an opinion from the beginning of the book on what's really going on but this book... I wasn't able to tell, which was surprising. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Books I recommend: The alchemist

Book description:
"My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky." Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams."

The Alchemist is the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist.

The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories have done, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all, following our dreams.

Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. The Alchemist is such a book. With over a million and a half copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has already established itself as a modern classic, universally admired. Paulo Coelho's charming fable, now available in English for the first time, will enchant and inspire an even wider audience of readers for generations to come.

My opinion

I eventually picked up the book last week and started reading it - I was one amongst those that never read it. I thought it was going to take me a while to read because I wasn't really in the mood of reading The Alchemist but several friends kept on bugging me to read it, so I gave it a shot. As I started reading I was like, yeah, well, Paulo Coelho does write nicely but it's not such a big deal... and after three hours I was still reading it, I just couldn't get my eyes away from it. It became so intriguing already that it was impossible to just let it down and read later on... so I finished the book in four days, days in which I read like a maniac. 

The book begins with a very well described landscape, it makes you feel like you are right there with Santiago, it describes how Santiago places a book underneath his head and goes to sleep under the roof of an abandoned church. The atmosphere throughout the book is amazing, it describes perfectly the landscape and it definitely paints the picture inside your mind. Almost every page has words of wisdom and stories filled with meaning to share, which is such a great addition to the storyline. 

The book speaks of the importance to follow your dreams, listen to your heart and pay attention to the omens. I noted down some phrases from this book which I couldn't afford to forget so I'll share them with you, hoping that I'll convince you to read the book - seriously, it is a great read. 

Quote: "When we strive to become better than what we are, everything around us becomes better too." "You'll never be able to escape from your heart" "The darkest hour of the night comes just before dawn", and so many more.

Also one more reason to read the book is that it has some serious stress building moments, like you know something wrong or big is going to happen but you can't put a finger on it... until it happens. The book has just the right amount of twists and turns - in my opinion, and even the ending...which I was completely sure I could predict... had a twist to it... an awesome one.  

So, I wholehearted recommend this book to all of you, your friends and family. I think it's a great gift to give to those you love, it is filled with inspiration, love and meaningful words. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to decalcify your pineal gland

As a really late response to my previous post Stuff you didn't know about your pineal gland, I finally decided to write the post I promised about how to decalcify the pineal gland. We already know the pineal gland plays an important role in your state of happiness, balancing our emotions and influencing our sleeping patterns and so on. If you haven't read the post I'm talking about, I advise you to read it now. It is important because it talks about the functions of the pineal gland and its working mechanism. If, however you already know that or read my post here I go. 

1. Avoid flouride 

If you can, avoid the flouride in your tap water by drinking alkaline or distilled water instead. I however, find this method kind of  hard to obey to. I did some research and apparently you can't consume more than 500 - 1000 ml alkaline water per day, nor you can take pills while drinking alkaline water.  Distillate water on the other hand is healthier and has no limitations to it... only that you have to make it yourself so it's time consuming. I think investing in high quality water filter is the best option since it does the work for you. Another effective way of avoiding fluoride is using toothpaste with no fluoride in it. You can find it in stores or online. 

2. Meditate

Meditation is another important technique used to decalcify the pineal gland. Meditation is effective because of the state of mind it induces. I'll probably write a post about the importance and benefits of meditation 'cause I'm a huge fan.   

3. Less meat, more veggies and fruits

I know you are probably tired of hearing the same thing over and over again but guys, it's really important. It took me 17 years of my life to start considering the idea and then 2-3 more years to get accustomed to it. Once you get a grip of how tasty veggies and fruits really are you won't even want to go back to eating meat. 

4. Sungaze and sunbathe

Don't over do it however! 5 minutes per day is more than enough. Sunbathing is also good, since it helps you get optimal levels of Vitamin D. But, just like the case with sungazing, don't spend too much time sunbathing either. Take everything into moderation (even World of Warcraft xD ) 

5. Use fluorescent light bulbs

The pineal gland is light sensitive and therefore needs light that resembles the best natural light. These types of light bulbs are also good for the health of your eyes. It would also be great if you could sleep in complete darkness. 

6. Avoid mercury and other toxins

Mercury can be found in most of the vaccines on the market, that's why I'm not the biggest fan of vaccines. My last flu vaccine was three years ago and guess what? I didn't get colds more often than before. Instead of using vaccines to prevent flu, I rather drink plenty of tea, eat at least one apple a day and focus on keeping a healthy state of mind.  The tooth fillings have mercury in them as well but I guess you can't avoid it all. 

7. Work with a healthy mind

The human mind is capable of miracles. Not too long ago I read Dr. David Schwartz's book: The magic of thinking big. Thoughts are very important for the health of your mind, there are some thoughts that can make things worse. That's why it is so important to maintain a positive outcome, good thoughts and a happy state of being. And do not forget like attracts like. (you can check out The secret - great movie, if you haven't seen it already.) 

Wishing you the best,