Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pick my brain day

Well the title is kind of self explanatory isn't it? But just to make sure, I'm going to tell you more about it (um... I'm not going to tell you because I literally can't, but I'm going to write) .
You probably have lots of questions to which you are searching for answers - so do I. And I know I would appreciate some answers, or opinions at least, and since we are not that different, you would probably appreciate some answers as well.  That thought led me to the following idea: to dedicate a day of the week for your questions and curiosities my dearest readers. Chances are I won't know all the answers but I bet I have some answers for you. 

Here's how this day (post) will work. I'll receive questions from you guys on the following email address: during the week, and there will be a day of the week (most probably Friday) when I'll have a special post. That post will consist of your questions and the answers I'll give you. If, however you want your questions to stay between you and me, I'm cool with that as well. Just let me know in the email. 

I don't like to impose rules generally, but there is a line I'll have to draw. And that is - my private life is well...mine! Of course, you can ask me personal things... but not too personal. Capisce? 
Well, with all that being said, I can't wait to hear from you. 

Wishing you the best, 

So...what do you think? 

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