Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ten downsides of phone conversations

It's practically impossible seeing yourself without a mobile phone in this technology age - the cell phone became so attached to us, extraterrestrials might see it as another body part of ours. The phones really did come a long way and brought a whole deal of advantages to them but just like everything else there are disadvantages to them as well. From personal experience I can give you my list of ten reasons why avoiding talking over the phone may be better:

1. Lack of privacy
Talking over the phone while in a crowded place such as on the bus/train/restaurant, in your office (in case you share it with others) or even in a room with other people, makes you say bye bye to your privacy. The others will hear perfectly what you have to say. Well, I guess you can find your way around it by making up a secret language with the one you're talking to, so you could send only coded messages.

2. Lack of body language
The wonderful advantage that you have over someone by being able to decode the messages his/her body is sending is no longer available while talking over the phone. It's much harder to know how the other one reacts to what you say if you're only counting on what you hear them say. Psychologists say that over 90% of all human communication is non verbal, so you'll be losing the opportunity to "see" everything the other one has to say.

3. Background noises
The cars are honking, the kids are crying, two people are arguing, there is music around you or around the other person you are talking over the phone with. Background noises affected nine out of ten of my conversations. 

4. Everybody is tougher over the phone
It's much easier to demand what you want over the phone and stand up for yourself like never before. Let's not forget how powerful slamming the phone while the other one was talking can make you feel. That's good... when it's about you. But don't you just hate it when someone that is usually super shy and really not that bothered by what you say becomes a knight in shinning armor coming back at each and every one of your words... then slams the phone in the middle of your conversation? 

5. The formalities
Oh, I just hate the long opening talk over the phone... and the formalities. On a face to face basis, you can smoothly go from a: "Hi, how you doing?" to a..." so I wanted to tell you this." Over the phone it has to be: "Hello! It's me Rachel. How are you doing? Are you busy or something? Oh no, I just wanted to talk to you." (wait for the other person to talk to someone else that interrupted him/her) "No, this is not a new phone number. I don't know why you didn't have it in the phone memory. Aw, yeah, my phone sometimes does that as well. Yes, you should probably change it. Aha, aha...(listening to blabbering about mobile phones) aha... So what I was saying? Aw, nothing. I'm going to start right now, of course if you have the time. If not we can just meet somewhere and talk about it." 

6. The awkward goodbyes
If you meet with someone on the street after a nice casual talk, you say goodbye or whatever and you just move ahead. With the phone... you have your conversation and then when you're about to hang up, you enter the long awkward goodbyes state. You probably are already familiar with the: "Um... so, take good care of you." "Yeah, you too." "Okay so bye." "Bye. Have a nice day." "Yes, thanks for calling." "Aha. No problem." "Okay." "OK."

7. Cell phones are not good for your health
Various studies on whether the cell phones affect or not our health have come up with mixed results. Some studies suggest a link between exposure to radiation from cell phones and an increased risk of acoustic neuroma (a tumor of the nerve connecting the ear to the brain). Of course, there is the other side that says it's not scientifically proven that cell phones affect your health and it's all just myths.
There is quite an interesting book on the subject of this which I recommend, it's called “Disconnect: The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family” by toxicologist and epidemiologist Devra Davis. In her book, Devra connects cell phones with a variety of health problems.

8. Running into others while talking over the phone
Don't you just hate it when you're having a conversation that requires all of your undivided attention over the phone and just as you struggle to focus... a friend or a relative bumps into you. Aw, and they underestimate the conversation you are having over the phone so they start asking question of their own and struggle for your attention.

9. Not paying attention to anything surrounding you might turn into a disaster
There were times when I tripped and fell off because I was talking over the phone or writing a message. I also probably missed seeing a lot great deal of things because I was too busy fidgeting with my phone. 

10. The battery issue
Let's not forget the moments of suspense when you know you are about to hear something important and the battery decides it's time to die on you. Or those times you really need to call someone but you can't because your battery is low and will not allow you to make any other calls than emergency.  

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