Monday, January 7, 2013

Things to try in the New Year

The New Year, as always comes with new resolutions, and with it the promise you are going to do something about it unlike last year. One secret to the whole resolution thing is to write it down, make sure you memorize all the things you want to do and put the list somewhere you won't forget about it. Take it out a couple of days before the year's end and check all the things you realized out of all that you planned (hopefully, the whole list). 
Here are some of my suggestions of what you should try in the new year:

1. Find your passion
Go after that something you always wanted, give your dream a chance. And before of that, in case you didn't find out yet what's your passion, go figure it out. If you need any help I'll be more than glad to help, just let me know and I'll write a post on that.

2. Be kind
Remember a gesture of kindness doesn't have to be that big, it can be a small thank you or a have a nice day said to someone. Apologize to someone you hurt or help someone that could really use some help. Sometimes, just a smile can make someone's day. Kindness - It only takes a moment.

3. Smile more
So maybe things aren't exactly great in your life right now, maybe you are stressed or going through some really rough times... but you have a power deep inside you. The power to choose happiness - it all depends on you. Things will eventually get better, until then... don't miss the chance to smile. I once read, quote: "If you want to feel happy, try smiling".   

4. Gratitude
Even if you don't have all the things you wished for, you still have some of the things you really wanted, plus the things you usually take for granted - like your health, your five senses, your family and friends. Remember, some people don't have half as much as you do.

5. Poetry
Try writing poetry, why not? It doesn't have to rhyme, it doesn't have to sound Shakespearian... write your own poem, how you feel it. Just give it a try. Maybe you'll discover writing poetry really helps you cope with things and then fortunately you'll write on... and then again, maybe it'll be just a one time thing. But it'll be a great memory, that I'm sure of.

6. Laugh more
Yeah, I know... things happen. But let it be. Surprise the disappointments waiting to crawl into your mind with laughter. Laugh, laugh with all your heart and with no regrets. And don't restrain your laugh just because "it's childish" or "stupid", or even worse "because your laugh is too loud". There is no such thing as a wrong laugh. Um... well actually it is - the one that is fake. But as long as you laugh with all your heart I'm sure you have a wonderful, contagious laugh. 

7. Exercise 
Exercising is really good for your health. It helps you keep in shape, it improves your stamina, immunity, your mood and your sex life. How many more reasons do you need to start exercising? Try doing it constantly, as in once or twice every week. 

8. Spend more time with family and friends
Admit it, sometimes it's just more comfortable to be a couch potato instead of getting up and going to visit your relatives. Sometimes we tend to choose the easy path. Spend more time with you family and friends... it'll definitely be worth it. 

9. Overcome your fears
Fears make your mind think it's in danger and therefore act upon it: your heart beat gets very fast (sometimes it can even feel irregular), you sweat more, feel dizzy, have a hard time concentrating, the breathing gets very fast and superficial, your stomach is churning or your bowels feel loose, the muscles feel weak and you can't concentrate on anything, you can't eat, your mouth may be dry, and/or you may even experience hot and cold sweats.   
When you feel afraid your mind sends messages to your body to get ready to respond to an emergency. It increases the blood flow to the muscles, increases your blood sugar and makes your mind focus on the thing that's frightening you. That's really not good unless you are actually dealing with a life threatening experience. But if that's not the case, and you are afraid of things such as... I'll lose my job, I won't be able to pay the bills, my husband is going to leave me, something bad is going to happen because I read it in the horoscope, then it's a unnecessary body reaction that's going to harm you in the end. 

10. Read more
Books have a certain magic to them that movies or games don't. The book, when you really like it, becomes an alternative reality, it can become your world to escape to. And there is a certain spark to the way the story unfolds. Call me old fashioned but there's nothing like the smell of a new book and the feeling you get just by turning the pages. Not to mention how ... when you read a book... there's nothing but you and the book, no commercials, no need to check the mail... just you and the little universe in the pages of that book. 

11. Love more
I once read "Hate is easy. Love takes courage." It is so easy to criticize and blame others for how they don't treat you the way you expect them to treat you, but it's hard to admit and see how much they could love you in their own way... or the small things they did for you and you took for granted. Holding grudges is really easy, but seeing the good side of people takes patience, time, energy and courage. Try loving more, it'll make you feel better and it'll have a good impact on your over all health. 

12. Try new things
Try doing something you never did before. Try mountain climbing or learning foreign languages like Japanese. Try buying yourself a couple of clothes you wouldn't ever buy and wear them. Try seeing yes to all the opportunities that come your way a week.  

13. Keep an open mind
It's really safe to have your concepts and rules and live by them. But try hearing the other side of the story, try to consider things from a different point of view. Try to understand the point of view of others when they talk about something you already have a firm opinion of. 

14. Do something you haven't done in a long time 
Eat ice cream, jump the rope, or do something you used to do when you were a kid or something you just used to do but got overwhelmed by other stuff and didn't do it anymore. 

15. Garden
Why not? try planting some flowers and tending the garden.

16. Get rid of the clothes you don't wear
I'm quite sure there are a couple of clothes you didn't wear in the past year. Guess what? You won't wear them this year either. Admit it, and make room for new clothes.

17. Get rid of the waste in your soul
You know the feelings I'm talking about. Get rid of them, they are only holding you back and hurting you.

18. Give more
And I'm not talking about material possessions, give more love, more time and more reasons to smile. Give more tenderness, affection and support.

19. No technology day
Have a No technology day. Yeah, you read right, a day when you don't watch TV, don't check your facebook/twitter account, no mails and no phones. Just try to have a day without technology, fill your day with outdoor activities (jog, feed the ducks, go to a picnic) and creative indoor activities (writing, reading, painting, dancing, singing). 

20. Learn how to do something useful
Like knitting or replacing a socket, like preparing dinner or how to fix your computer. Anything that you count on others to do and you could just as well do it on your own.  

21. Keep a diary
And try writing only good stuff in it. Scientists discovered that keeping a diary makes you smarter. 

22. Appreciation
Maybe people don't do the things you want them to do for you the way you want them to. But, maybe they really worked their ass off to do those things for you. Appreciate the intention. 

23. Check the list
Get the list when it's getting close to the end of the year and check the things you've accomplished. Celebrate by taking yourself out on a very well deserved meal. Feel proud of yourself even if you only did one thing out of everything you planned. There's still time to do the other things, at least you've accomplished one. 

You're turn. Was this helpful? Is there anything else that should to be on the list? 

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