Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to solve your problems easier

When it comes to problems everybody has a strategy of their own regarding how to overcome that problem. From doing what you never thought you would to running away from facing the problem, there is a vast palette of available choices to help you cope with your problems. This article will come in aid to the brave hearts that decide to face their problems and do everything in their power to deal with the problem once and for all.  

1. Define your problem
Before you start getting anxious about your problems define what's really bothering you, what really makes it a problem. In some cases, it is really easy to spot the problem but other times it might get tricky.

2. Accept the problem
Fighting with the problem you are facing is the worst thing you can always do. Don't focus all your energy to fight off something you can't stand. Use all of your energy and focus to find a way to make things better.

3. Try to see the bigger picture
Ever heard of the idiom "The devil is in the details"? Most of the times we worry too much about the details of the problem. Sometimes, you just need to back up a bit and try to see the bigger picture.

4. Focus on the solution, not the problem
Don't spend the majority of your time focusing on the problem... that is a big no no. Focus on the solutions, on the ways to make things better. I find the 80/20 rule quite effective when it comes to this. It says you should use 80 percent of your time finding solutions and only 20 percent to worry and complain about it.  

5. Take your mind off it
Usually, when we deal with a problem it'll haunt our mind 24/7. An important step while dealing with your problems is to take a break from the constant thinking about it. Take a walk, watch a movie, dance, meditate, go to a party, read a book, do anything that will help you get your mind off the problem. When you think about it constantly you get trapped in the pattern you are thinking about. If, however you take a break from constantly worrying, you're mind will relax and be able to think "outside the box".  

6. Write down each possibility
Instead of thinking about it over and over again and obsessing on the scenarios inside your mind, write down each possibility of getting out of your problem. Don't think about how you could do it like this but really don't want to, cause it'll trigger other reactions and so on when writing down the possibilities. Just write them down, even the ones you think are less likely to be chosen. You never know... maybe you'll find you're way out of it by mixing the available choices.

7. Seek the silver lining
Ever noticed how after dealing with a problem you become wiser? Problems do bring a load of pain and anxiety with them of course, but they'll also help you grow and develop. I've become who I am today because of all the problems I had to deal with. That's where my vast experience comes from, that's how I got resilient and those problems helped me see how much poetry means to me. So, keep in mind at all times "Every cloud has a silver lining to it." 

8. Attitude
Your attitude should be positive. No matter how big the problem is, you got to be stronger and have a positive outcome about the situation you are facing right now. I've noticed it's easier for me to find solutions to my problems and deal with them if I keep a positive outcome. Always keep in mind: The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.

Your turn. Was this helpful? 

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